Amphi Class of 1982 Class Reunion
Web Site Instructions
Class List
The Class List displays a list of class members.
The Info button next to a person will display that person's detail information.
There is also an option under the individual detail to view Bios and Photos.
You must logon to the database to be able to update your information.
To logon you need to enter your first and last name as it appeared in the senior year book. Leave the password blank.
You should logon and go update your personal information, give yourself a password,
and be sure to enter your e-mail address.
We plan on sending out bulk e-mail messages keeping everyone up date about the reunion.
You should also upload some pictures of yourself and family along with a bio about what you have been up to.
If you do not want your information available on the web site,
go ahead and logon on and enter your e-mail address and give yourself a password.
If you check the NO box on "Display Information on Class List? Yes: No:",
no one will be able to see any of your information except for your name on the class list.
Current Info,
has the most up to date details of everything going on and general information.
Anyone that wants to post anything for everyone to read can use it.
To upload a picture, you must first login to the site.
You need to select yourself in the class list and click on INFO.
Click on the button under your information that says Bio and Photo.
In the Bio and Picture control box, clikd on Upload Picture.
In the Biography box, type in a description to go with your picture.
Next to Picture File Name, click on the Brose button.
This will allow you to browse your local hard drive. Find the picture you want and click Open.
Finally click Save.
-- Your picture should be a file type JPG, GIF, or BMP.
-- If your pictures are really big, you should crop them and scale them down so they don't take too long to load.
-- You can always go back and change the description on the picture by clicking on the Update Bio button next to the picture.
If you have any questions or problems, let us know.
Class Reunion Coordinator: Julie Peck Hubbard
Web Master: